We understand that if you haven’t worked with a financial planner before, you may be uncertain about what to expect. We’ve outlined the key steps in the advice process below. But rest assured, your financial planner will clearly explain each step along the way.
Pick the phone up
Your journey will start with a friendly chat over the phone. This will enable us to understand what you are seeking immediate assistance with as well as finding out about your longer term aspirations. It will be our chance to explain if and how we might be able to help you.
Our initial meeting
Once we have established that we can help you, we will arrange an initial meeting at our offices which will be at our cost and will require no obligation from you. During this meeting we will build a picture of your circumstances and get a deeper understanding of your short-term financial concerns and longer-term aspirations.
Clarification letter
After our first meeting we will have a really good idea of how we can help you. We will send you a clarification letter which will outline the areas where you require assistance, what we will do, what our fees for assisting you will be and, crucially, what the value to you will be.
Your authority to proceed
Provided you are happy with the work that we intend to do for you, there will be paperwork for you to return. Once returned, we will start working on your behalf.
Analyse and evaluate: We will collect all the data from your existing schemes. We will analyse and evaluate your current plans to see how they fit in with your future aspirations.
Report: Once we have completed our analysis, we will create your financial planning report – a highly personalised document which will give you a fair and balanced view of what you have already and will outline the actions that we believe you should take to improve your financial prospects.
Cash-flow modelling: Using our sophisticated software and prudent assumptions we will be able to show you in a very simple way if you are on-track to achieve the financial goals which will enable you to live the lifestyle that you want. We can put together ‘what if’ scenarios to show you how taking different decisions might play out in the future.
Recommendations: We will recommend actions that you should take to improve your financial circumstances and, importantly, we will set out the costs of the actions recommended and the benefits to you.
Implement: After we have met to discuss your financial planning report and provided you are happy with everything, we will make arrangements to implement the recommendations – to bring your financial plan to life.
BlueSKY review services
Proper financial planning is an ongoing process. Your situation will change, markets will fluctuate and legislation will alter. Our ongoing review service will make sure that any changes required to your plan can be made quickly and efficiently to keep you on track for the future.
If you’re ready to start your journey with us, the first step is to pick up the phone. You can reach us on 01189 876655. Or if you’d prefer to email, it’s info@blueskyifas.co.uk
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