Derek and Sue were in their late 50s and were hoping to retire sooner rather than later. They had dreams of travelling extensively, but understood that they had to get a plan in place to securely and successfully manage their income in retirement.
Financial Planning - BlueSKY
Many people spend years paying into pensions or accumulating cash savings, but are unsure about what to do next.
Financial planning is the process of making sure everything you’ve worked so hard to build up is fully aligned to your hopes and dreams for the future.
If you’re uncertain how best to use your savings or investments to provide happiness and comfort for your family, financial planning can make things clear.
The questions we will help you answer
Will I run out of money?
Will I be able to withstand a financial downturn?
How can I help secure my children or grandchildren’s future?
How do I minimise my tax bill?
Are my assets in the right place?
What actions should I take to improve my prospects?
Building a financial plan is a key part of working with BlueSKY, because it helps to uncover your true goals and objectives.
Our experts will look carefully at the steps you’ve taken so far, and what you’ve already saved or invested. Then we’ll clearly communicate what changes we think are required, and how they’ll positively impact your future.
Here’s what we do:
- Getting to know you is the most important part of this process. We’ll spend time with you to find out where you want to get to, and why that matters to you. We offer a free initial meeting in our offices, or via Teams or Zoom.
- With your input, we’ll then start putting together your financial plan. This will involve a deep analysis of the investment and pensions you already have, as well as putting together financial models on our cashflow modelling tool. This will help you to understand how the assets you’ve accumulated could support your future lifestyle.
- After further meetings where we can work on the financial modelling together, we’ll confirm our findings and recommendations to you in a financial planning report. This will set out in a clear and logical way what your current assets are on track to provide, and any changes you need to make to get to a better place. We’ll also consider other issues such as investment and tax.
- Once we’ve completed our financial planning work, we’d likely continue our relationship by agreeing to have ongoing contact so your situation could be regularly reviewed.
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