Jack Thompson BA (Hons), DipPFS
Financial Planner
Jack is a financial planner with BlueSKY Chartered Financial Planners and has more than seven years of experience in financial services.
As a qualified financial planner, Jack specialises providing advice and producing reports on the financial aspects of divorce and how to divide assets effectively and efficiently between couples.
Typical reports will detail how pensions should be shared to produce equal incomes or other specific scenarios and comply with Part 25 of the Family Procedure Rules 2010.
This work is normally introduced to us by solicitors, accountants, actuaries and mediators.
- Qualified financial planner
- Diploma in Regulated Financial Planning
- AF8 Retirement Income Planning
- In addition, Jack has numerous supplementary qualifications awarded by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII).
Career History
BlueSKY has moved!
We’re excited to announce our new office at Hatch Farm, Sindlesham, just seven minutes from our former location.
With more meeting rooms, ample parking, and beautiful outdoor space, we look forward to welcoming you soon. Visit us at Hatch Farm, Mill Lane, Sindlesham, RG41 5DF.